So obviously I want you to vote for 9to5.cc as Best Website and either 9ES or Go Plug Yourself as Best Podcast in Montreal over at Cult MTL’s Best of Montreal reader poll but you have to vote for a minimum of 25 categories for your ballot to be counted.
Now, if you have 25 amazing things to vote for in Montreal then good on you, but if you don’t I will happily share my picks with you and let you cheat off my test.
I’m cool like that.
Is this mostly a list of previous guests of Go Plug Yourself? Sure it is.
People & Places
Hottest Montrealer: Plastik Patrik
One time at a Montreal Roller Derby game I overheard a drunken fan proclaim “wow, that announcer is hot… I don’t know if it’s a guy or a girl but damn.”
Coolest Montreal Company: Scorpion Masqué
I play a lot of board games and Montreal based Scorpion Masqué produced a game literally called “Stay Cool” so they win. Coolest company.
Best Weirdo: Hollywood
Hollywood used to be a mainstay on many an old episode of Go Plug Yourself, just popping by to sing into the microphone mid interview. Haven’t seen him in a while. Hope he’s ok. He’s got my vote forever in this category.
Best Politician: Tyler Lemco
If enough of us vote for Tyler as the best politician in Montreal he will basically HAVE to run for mayor again.
Best Radio Show: The Pressure Drop
Danny Payne hosts The Pressure Drop over on CJLO, so you should vote for that.
Best Radio Host: Sean Campbell
The Voice of the Rocket! Sean Campbell!
Best Podcast: Go Plug Yourself or 9ES (pick your favorite)
What are you even doing reading this list if you’re not voting for one of my shows? Come on now.
Best Website: 9to5.cc
Best Bartender: Ram Krishnan
When all of this pandemic nonsense is over the very first thing you should do is head on down to Grumpy’s and spend a bunch of money there.
Best Bar and Best Sleazy Bar: Grumpy’s
They let us record a podcast there man, give them all the votes you can.
Best Wine Bar: LOIC
They haven’t been on the podcast, yet, but still my favorite place for wine in the city.
Best Live Music Venue: Turbo Haus
Sergio let us record a podcast there like we were real rockstars.
Best Promoter: I LOVE NEON
When we start being able to go out again I will be clearing my calendar and going to every party I LOVE NEON throws.
Best Terasse: Also Turbo Haus.
Last summer I spent a lot of time looking at Instagram posts of terraces in the city and cringed at the lack of safe social distancing. Not so with Turbo Haus. They kept that shit safe.
Best Comedy Club: Comedy Nest
Again, when they were allowed to do shows, they did them safely. That counts for a lot and it’s an important step in bringing live comedy back to this city.
Best Comedy Night: Battle of Wits
Elspeth Wright’s comedy gameshow that has been converted into an online format is the best. Bonus: Elspeth is raising money for AMI-Quebec all month long.
Best Cocktail Bar: Milky Way
Haven’t had these guys on the podcast yet but they’re in my neighborhood and they make good cocktails.
Best Band: We Are Monroe
We had these guys on the podcast to promote their 2019 appearance at Osheaga and they were really cool. They’ve got some new stuff coming out you should check out.
Heaviest Act: Great Sabatini
The guys from Great Sabatini are the best, and still have one of the all time best stories ever shared on their episode of GPYS. You should check that episode (and all the episodes) out.
Best Hip Hop: Urban Science Brass Band
It was a while ago but we had Josh Clarke aka Scynical on the show and he talked up Urban Science Brass Band, if you haven’t checked them out you’re missing out.
Best Singer-songwriter: Johnny Griffin (John Jacob Magistry)
Best Label: Stomp Records
I don’t think we’ve had more artists from a single record label than from Stomp records. BCASA, Boids, Kingpins, Planet Smashers have all called Stomp Records home.
Cinema & Arts
Best Actor: Michael Mando
The fact that Michael Mando has been a guest on GPYS three times speaks volumes to the fact that we are in fact, quite likeable.
Best Film Screening Series: Fantasia
A lot of festivals took some time off last year, but Fantasia was able to pivot to being an online festival and it was great. One of the high points of the year honestly.
Best Play: Malunderstood
In early 2020, Kenny Streule brought his one person show “Malunderstood” to Mainline, and in early 2021, he brought a digital adaptation of that show to the internet. Heartwarming.
Best Comedian: Take your pick
There are a million great comedians in this city, so take your pick. Ok, maybe there are about 20. I’m obviously biased in favor of the ones who co-host podcasts with me so if you need a pick choose between: Walter Lyng, Lawrence Corber, Inés Anaya and Chris Venditto, because they’re all the best.
Best Festival: Osheaga
I don’t think there is one thing that Sarah talks about missing on a regular basis than Osheaga weekend. This is literally the first time since the festival began that two years will have passed without it being a part of our summer.
Goods & Services
Best Barbershop: Monthly
One of the boys from Monthly has been cutting my hair for what feels like forever. Best shop in town I say.
Best Tattoo Parlour: DFA
I used to work at a call center with Mel back when she was a tattoo apprentice. Now she’s a world renowned tattoo artist and the whole gang at DFA Tattoos is the best.
Best Tattoo Artist: Sean Arsenian
One of those tattoo artists is Sean, who has been on the show to promote Great Sabatini, Sweetheart Grip and also played our live show back before the pandemic. He also tattooed my leg.
Best Used CD/Vinyl Store: Cheap Thrills
Go there on Thursdays and Jason will tell you what jazz records belong in your collection.
Best Jewellry: Chokitem
Daian (also from Aller Retour) came on the show last year to talk about some of her time in fashion and also to rep some of the amazing pieces available at Chokitem.
Food & Drink
Best Sandwich: Clarke
It’s got coffee and makes great sandwiches and is like a 5 minute walk from my house, what’s not to love?
Best Coffee: Tunnel
One of the main things I miss about going to work downtown was daily coffee breaks at Tunnel Espresso.
Best Ice Cream: Florence
You know what I wrote about Clarke Café up there? Replace “great sandwiches” with “great ice cream and gelato” and the same thing is true.
So yeah, voting ends next Sunday, May 16th @ 11:59 PM so do it. Be somebody.
Keith does all sorts of things here on 9to5.cc, he works with the other founders on 9to5 (illustrated), co-hosts our two podcasts: The 9to5 Entertainment System and Go Plug Yourself and blogs here as The Perspicacious Geek.