For 2021 we kept things a little more low key than usual for our annual shit show. I think 4 people is tied with our smallest previous shit show but I’m too lazy to go back into the expansive GPYS archives to verify that claim. Why? Well, if you haven’t noticed the entire province (nay country, nay planet) is a bit of shit show right now so in a way, maybe this is  the biggest shit show ever?

Walter, Lawrence, Chris and I have a few drinks, spark a few joints and let hot takes fly with abandon. We talk pandemic, steaks, waiters, New Year’s specials and more as we try to stay positive about what 2022 might have in store for us and decide what we want to leave behind in 2021.

With everything shut down it does beg the question about what our next episode will be. Will it be another episode of “Go Quarantine Yourself” or will there be something to plug for the traditional “Go Plug Yourself”? Who knows man. In these unprecedented, uncertain times the only way to have any kind of certainty is to LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE BABY.

Enjoy the show!

Credit Where Credit is Due:

As always, a big thank you to the providers of our theme song: Aural Turpitude!

Chris Venditto is another funny person in Montreal who you can see all over the place and if you don’t want to miss him take the stage you should follow him on all the socials. He’s @chrisvenditto on Twitter and Instagram so you should follow him on those two things. He also produces shows with the guys at Perfect Bite Productions who you should also follow on Instagram and on Facebook.

Keith does all sorts of things here on, he works with the other founders on 9to5 (illustrated), co-hosts our two podcasts: The 9to5 Entertainment System and Go Plug Yourself and sometimes blogs here as The Perspicacious Geek.

Lawrence Corber also produces some shows you may have heard of (you should probably check out the next Healthy Living show when you get a chance) and if you’re close with him you can call him Lully. The other way to call him “Lully” is to follow him on his socials. @Lully514 on Instagram.

Walter J. Lyng is a stand-up comedian based out of Montreal, you should follow him on Twitter @wallygoodtimes and on Facebook: Walter J. Lyng