These headphones are in their last week of regular use. You will be fondly remembered blue headphones.
Did I Write This Week?
Yes, but woefully little. I took some notes on how I want a few key interactions to work out in the novel. Some major revelations and turning points for the characters. [Game of Thrones Spoilers ahead] I feel like George R. R. Martin had some major moments like the Red Wedding or Ned’s beheading already in mind before he got to them. These moments profoundly change the way many other characters behave for the rest of the story and I think that if you’re going to have these big twists you need to know they’re coming so you can start thinking about how the character will react moving forward.
No matter how much of a grasp you have on a character and who they are, a life-changing moment can possibly drastically shift the way they’re going to behave for the rest of the story. So, since I’ve got a few of these moments in mind (ok, so probably not Red Wedding level twists), I think it’s a good idea to have them in my head so I can think about how characters will react afterwards.
Then I got to thinking about these moments, and how they’re going to be communicated to the audience.
I marathoned my way through Mr. Robot over the past few weeks. Both seasons in about 20 days or something. As I discuss on the upcoming 9ES, a device that Mr. Robot starts using an awful lot towards the end of the second season is where they reveal something to a character, but not to the audience.
A character walks in and hear’s gasping coming from the living room. The character gets nervous and approaches cautiously, peering around the corner. The camera angle shifts to the character’s face. “You.” Cut away to another scene.
So, in this case, our character knows who is in the living room, but we as the audience do not. ↓ Read the rest of this entry…