I started writing this post on Wednesday, which would have marked the 100th day that since the site was “switched on”, so yeah, the timing could’ve been a little better, but you know what? Fuck the timing. Anyhow, here’s the facts:

On October 24th 2011 Danny contributed this review of the film Martyrs. That was our 100th post. That was a few weeks ago, our total post count is now 123. This will be the 124th post on the site. BOOM! (There’s a little bit of cheating in that count I realized, since 10 of my posts were actually just dumped in from my previous blog, so, strictly speaking our 100th post in this format was probably about 2 weeks ago, not 3, whatever).

Wednesday November 9th 2011 was our 100th day of operation as a site. In that time we’ve never missed one of our Monday to Friday commitments (Fuck Mondays, 9to5 (illustrated), WTF World and Fine Arts). Not bad eh? I thought so too. With the current run of 9to5 (illustrated) coming to an end yesterday and venturing forward to a new, much more collaborative thought out comic and all those “100s” floating around, I decided to post a little tribute to myself the fine people I work with and some of what we’ve accomplished. Without further delay here’s my personal favorites from the 9to5 (dot cc) world. ↓ Read the rest of this entry…