Beer: Chronique

Brewer: Le Trèfle Noir

Red Ale, 4.8%

Bought it because we just got these and a few others from this brewery, and the labels are just so pretty, and I haven`t had a proper red in a while.


It`s got a nice, deep rusty red color. The bit of foam there was dissipated fairly quickly, and it was a nice frothy beige.

It smells nice. Not too strong, I think I`m picking up a sweet nutty scent. Super subtle.

Okay. Not at all what I was expecting it to taste like. It`s scent sort of reminded me of Newcastle Brown Ale, so I was kind of hoping it would be similar with a more interesting twist, but this essentially tastes like a diluted version. Almost watered down.

I`ve been very spoiled with these rich and powerful beers lately, maybe I`m just not used to lights reds anymore.

It`s bitter, but not in a fun way, and I can`t really detect any flavours underneath that. So yeah, a bit hoppy, and doesn`t deliver the “caramel aroma and subtle nutty taste” that the label advertises. And it`s low percentage, so I can`t even drown my disappointment into a numb happy buzz.

This is a miss for me, but if you enjoy very light red ales, then this is for you. Pretty refreshing, all things considered, and if you`re not looking for anything too complicated.

EDIT: I gave it to my boyfriend, and he loved it. Feh.


All beers featured in this review are purchased at L`Épicerie Moderne, situated at 5854 Sherbrooke West, Montreal (NDG!)