For at least a few minutes anyways.
At the top of the episode Mr. Machine Gun’s fame and relevancy levels are called into question. His most recent album “Tickets to My Downfall” came out only a year ago and hit #1 on the USA and Canadian charts and was certified Platinum with over 126,000 in record sales and he has a new album due out any day now.
He also played Tommy Lee in that movie “Dirt” that I don’t think any of us watched.
Enough about him though, we also talk about the Montreal Canadiens because somehow the NHL season is about to start again even though it only seems to have ended a few weeks ago.
Keith finally watched Catwoman, a movie that should have been called “A Cat-Woman” as it had nothing to do with the comics, and speaking of comics we talk about The DC villain The Creeper and Marvel’s “What If…” show on Disney +.
Since we are experts in lists, we take our critical list making eye to Rolling Stones Top 500 Best Songs of All Time on this week’s episode of Garbage Time, which is available as part of the 9ES Deluxe level over on our Patreon.
Our intro song is a brand new jam cooked up by OKU-DA just for us, do yourself a favour and check out his SoundCloud).