Disclaimer: I totally had this written and ready to go yesterday as a Tuesday post. However, without internet I couldn’t risk tethering my phone for all the photo uploads due to data consumption (especially since I’ll be doing just that tonight for tomorrow’s podcast). Sorry friends.
Hey! I’m back! I mean, I never really left, I was still blabbering away on Go Plug Yourself and 9ES but my writing ground down to an absolute halt over the course of the last month or so as I sorted out moving from my apartment into the condo that Sarah and I just bought. I’ll spare you the details of everything involved and everything that went wrong, but now the “shit to do” list has dwindled down to a manageable 4 or 5 things.
In all the hubbub I managed to not only stop blogging, I entirely forgot to to talk about December’s “REVOLUTION” crate (it was pretty great in my opinion). I also basically forgot that I was even subscribed to Loot Crate (and the box got sent to my old address). But hey, I finally got my hands on January’s “ORIGINS” crate so now I’m going to review it! I had no idea what franchises were going to get repped this month so it was kind of cool to have a total surprise with each item I pulled. ↓ Read the rest of this entry…