With all the excitement of the Montreal Fringe Festival last week I really didn’t have very much time to devote my creative energy to this blog. Now, what I would normally do in these circumstances would be to write another blog about Mad Max but I feel like maybe, just maybe, that ship has sailed.
Instead I’m going to talk about some people that bother me on the way to work and why.
People With Barb Wire Tattoos On Their Arms
Listen, this isn’t scary, it’s dumb.
What are you trying to say about yourself? That you would actually wrap your arm in barb wire if you could, but since you can’t do that all time you’ve chosen to have an artist’s interpretation of it on your arm forever? Is it because you’re so tough that you want people to know that at any given point you might wrap your arm in barb wire?
Are you a big fan of the film Barb Wire?
Do you know what I think when I see you? I think you make bad choices. I literally have a tattoo that includes a severed leg, a bumble bee, a wolfman and a pair of pants. Yet I still think you make bad choices. ↓ Read the rest of this entry…