There’s a point in this episode of 9ES where Jon finds out that Keith went to Disney World and simply asks: “Why?”

I think Jon is probably the least enticed by extravagant consumerism of the three of us so I understand why he might question the reasoning of spending three days and a pretty exorbitant amount of money just basking in all the glory of The Mouse.

However, it must be clearly stated that Keith got to build a BB-Unit droid that he can now drive around his home.

While I admit that a certain degree of separation has to be maintained between the fun and “magic” you’re experiencing in the theme parks and the absolute all encompassing corporate ooze surrounding you, I also have to admit that it’s a whole heck of a lot of fun.

The last time Keith was in Disney World they hadn’t yet consumed Star Wars and Marvel. Maybe if they hadn’t there would be less for him to enjoy. But they have. So now it’s all there. Comics, cartoons and Star Wars dripping from every surface.

What more could a man-child want?

On the topic of Marvel – Scott and Keith both saw Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3. And they both liked it a lot.

And they both got a little emotional (albeit at different points of the film apparently).


Meanwhile over on Garbage Time we talk about the League of Legends North American pro walkout that is currently being staged, along with the state of esports in general. We also talk about Nightmare Alley for some reason. Oh, and Jon finally saw the D&D movie – if that sounds cool then show your support and head over to Patreon and subscribe at the 9ES Deluxe tier to listen to this and all past episodes of Garbage Time!



Credit Where Credit is Due

Our intro song is a brand new jam cooked up by OKU-DA just for us, do yourself a favour and check out his SoundCloud).