Obedience Training
Welcome back, my friends. One again, it’s Friday, and as such it is also time for another installment of “Pictures of Kanye, Words of Noam”, where we look at pictures of Kanye West and read the words of Noam Chomsky.
Chomsky makes a very interesting point here. What is left? The idea of doing anything of any import with one’s life has been completely replaced in Western culture with the desire to live vicariously through the rich and the famous. Even then, they aren’t doing much, other than displaying their riches and their fame.
A photo of you with a mid-level celebrity you ran into somewhere, posted on your Facebook wall, will win you praise and acclaim from your friends, family, and those people you went to grade school with. And that girl you met at that party one time a few years ago who comments on all your stuff. And that one person you don’t really know but you keep friended because she helps you out with all your Cityville stuff.
They are impressed.
Do you mean a photo like this one?
Because this photo is amazing and fuck you.
Also “what’s left”? Making a website. I said it.
This is why you are the Yin to my Yang, the Cain to my Abel, the Tomax to my Xamot. Together we appeal to the LCD and to the pseudo-intellectuals.
Also, I said “mid-level celebrity”, not some glorified extra from “The Hangover”.