sinisterSo this past Friday Jono came over after work to watch a movie (as he often does). We haven’t really watched any good horror in a while (actually, probably since Fantasia to be honest) so I decided to check through the new release section and see if there was anything worth watching. I remember the trailer for Sinister looking a little promising so that’s what I decided we were watching. Jon didn’t get a vote since I don’t believe in democracy or the American Dream.  Here’s why Sinister sucked and why it rocked.

Why it sucked:
If you want to know exactly what this movie is about, go and watch the trailer. There are really no surprises here, the trailer tells you basically everything you need to know about this movie. Little girl, little boy, Ethan Hawke is their dad, evil stuff starts happening. That’s about it. The movie doesn’t really try that hard to create a very interesting narrative and while the plot twists are there, you can mostly see them coming from a mile away. In fact, in trying to predict said plot twists we were pretty much 100% accurate, only coming up short when we thought there would be a last minute twist that would’ve made the movie a lot more interesting. If you’re playing the “What’s the Next Plot Twist” home game I can give you a hint: don’t give this movie too much credit or you’ll be disappointed. Also, for a movie that has a girl streaking blood across the wall in poster the gore is surprisingly tame. The movie doesn’t shy away from the gore by turning the camera away or anything, it just does not really revel in it the way the poster might suggest.  Finally, as is the case in many horror movies, the characters eschew all sense of logic at key moments of the film in order to push the film’s train track narrative forward. Sinister isn’t alone here, characters making bad decisions is sadly a big part of contemporary horror, however it does contribute to the “suck” quotient of this film. ↓ Read the rest of this entry…