Just for the record, do not Google “girl throwing puppies into the river”, because you will find a video of it. It’s not a good way to start your day. Trust me. But still, when we have teenage girls laughing and hurling puppies into rivers, do we really care if Girl Talk is pickpocketing from the music industry’s deep pockets? Deep thoughts indeed.

So Pacman Buzzed this link with some rather insightful thoughts about why the industry isn’t suing Greg Gillis (Girl Talk) saying that he is the ultimate Robin Hood posterboy of copyright law, and that lawyers from all around the world would gather around him, prop him up on a chair, march him into Time’s Square and declare him Galactic Emperor of Musical Copyright laws. This might be part of it. However, I’m also willing to bet that if they wanted, the music industry could easily pony up for some equally powerful and talented lawyers to fight their fight. ↓ Read the rest of this entry…