It’s pretty rare to watch a movie where the sheer joy of those involved in making it drives the film forward, yet that joy is plainly evident when you watch Lowell Dean’s “Another Wolfcop”.

Following in the footsteps of Michael Herz and Lloyd Kaufman (Toxic Avenger), with a touch of Joe Dante (The Howling, Gremlins 2) thrown into the mix, Dean’s continuing saga of a drunk werewolf cop cashes in on charm and gore (sometimes charming gore) to hit it off with his audience. Officer Lou Garou (ben la) does have some problems remembering to read the Miranda rights. But he pretty much always gets his man, like some sort of murder-furry Dudley Do-Right.

Dean had this to say about revisiting the Wolfcop universe:

“My goal with this film (as with the first WolfCop) is to create a unique, immersive “comic book” world. Regardless of how absurd the material gets (and it gets quite absurd), I believe it is important to take a very serious approach to the storytelling.”

A few familiar faces do some good work here. Yannick Bisson (The Murdoch Mysteries and those Scotiabank commercials that were on Hockey Night in Canada for years) is good as the grease-slick villain.  Cameos by Kevin Smith and Lawrence Gowan add some ham and cheese to this sammich, filling it out just right.

I don’t want to go too deep into the plot of the movie itself because giving anything away will take away from it. Besides, it’s a movie about a cop, who’s a wolf, and he fights evil. You’re either in or you aren’t at this point.

When you get a chance to watch Another Wolfcop, be sure to bring your friends with you, get a bunch of popcorn, and sneak some booze in. Like joyriding in a dune buggy, it’s a bumpy ride, but buckets of fun.

Check out the trailer here:

Another Wolfcop is in theatres DEC 1ST, 2017. Check out for tickets and Like “Another Wolfcop” on Facebook.

Scott is a writer and founder at 9to5. He’s a host on The 9to5 Entertainment System and does a lot of the graphic design around these parts.