Wrestlemania 29 Match Reviews That Would Fit in a Tweet
I know, I know, I’m supposed to be reviewing Tomb of Horrors right now but a few things have come up. One, I need to get some paperwork in order for my new job and two, we didn’t actually complete the tomb. Part 1 of the Tomb of Horrors article should be ready next Monday. So, here are my quick impressions for all the matches of Wrestlemania 29.
The Miz defeated Wade Barrett (c) via submission for the Intercontinental Title
Miz locked a well executed figure-four to make Barrett tap. A move that an old man gave to him by magic. I remember that this match was ok.
The Shield (Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, and Roman Reigns) defeated Sheamus, Randy Orton, and Big Show
Shield looked great. Glad they beat the Justice League clean and Big Show’s “turn” on Orton and Sheamus wasn’t actually during the match.
Mark Henry defeated Ryback
Boring big man match. At least we all got to go “ooooh” when Ryback marched around with Henry on his shoulders at the end. Also: Bear Hug!
Team Hell No (Kane and Daniel Bryan) (c) defeated Dolph Ziggler and Big E Langston (with AJ Lee) for the Tag Team Championships
Enjoyed the match, Zigg, Kane and Bryan looked good, not much out of Big E. Sort of sad that Bryan and Kane can’t get singles stories yet.
Fandango defeated Chris Jericho
Sleeper match of the show, Fandango looked nervous but still delivered and Jericho sold new talent well. Maybe shouldn’t have been at ‘mania.
Alberto Del Rio (with Ricardo Rodriguez) (c) defeated Jack Swagger (with Zeb Colter) via Submission for the World Heavyweight Championship
Del Rio carried the match in my opinion, not a fan of Swagger’s in ring inability to put over his opponent. Sad that Ziggler didn’t cash in.
The Undertaker defeated CM Punk (with Paul Heyman)
An entire era separates Punk and Taker and they deliver the match of the night. Streak intact means maybe one more ‘Mania for the Dead Man.
Triple H (with Shawn Michaels) defeated Brock Lesnar (with Paul Heyman)
HBK added nothing to this match, a little slow and it almost looked like Brock was carrying HHH and not vice-versa.
John Cena defeated The Rock (c) for the WWE Championship
Better than last year but still a boring spot-fest with either possible result somehow seeming lame and predictable. Fans were really quiet.
Final Impressions:
So, how was it on the whole? I think it was honestly one of the better Wrestlemania PPVs I’ve seen in the past few years. The fact that they were running rushed meant cutting the almost always terrible comedic interludes which gave it a real fast-paced UFC style feel (even if it was completely unintentional) and there weren’t any real “dud” matches (even Rock/Cena would’ve gone over pretty well if this was a few years ago and the fans bought into spot-fests the way they used to).
I am terrified that John Cena will end the Streak next year at XXX.