The Montreal podcast that asks Joey Elias: What is the one major law you would break if you could? (asked by Coko Galore and Ophira Calof in Episode 213).

Joey Elias is one of the pillars of the Montreal comedy scene. As Uncle Ben told Peter Parker: with great power comes great responsibility. To that end Joey has also become synonymous with a number of charitable organizations in and around the city, raising money and awareness for causes and members of the community that need help.

One of those causes is exactly what has brought Joey to the show today: Joey Elias and the Comedy All Stars at the Royalmount Drive-In. Joey has been putting together this event for 9 years running and even though this year will be different (it’s being held at a drive-in instead of the traditional venue of Club Soda), the cause remains the same and in many ways is even more important than ever before.

The event will be raising money for 03: On Our Own, with 25$ from each ticket sold going straight to help out O3.

So get your tickets now while you still can over at Eventbrite and head to the Royalmount Drive-In on August 26th to see Joey Elias, Harrison Weinreb, Amanda McQueen, Rodney Ramsay and GPYS’ own Lawrence Corber and support a great cause.

As always, a big thank you to the providers of our theme song: Aural Turpitude!

Chris Venditto is another funny person in Montreal who you can see all over the place and if you don’t want to miss him take the stage you should follow him on all the socials. He’s @chrisvenditto on Twitter and Instagram so you should follow him on those two things. He also produces shows with the guys at Perfect Bite Productions who you should also follow on Instagram and on Facebook.

Lawrence Corber also produces some shows you may have heard of (you should probably check out the next Healthy Living show when you get a chance) and if you’re close with him you can call him Lully. The other way to call him “Lully” is to follow him on his socials. @Lully514 on Instagram.

 Keith does all sorts of things here on, he works with the other founders on 9to5 (illustrated), co-hosts our two podcasts: The 9to5 Entertainment System and Go Plug Yourself and blogs here as The Perspicacious Geek.