The Montreal podcast that asks Montreal improviser Dimitri Kyres: In what way are you trying to make yourself better? (Courtesy of Ben Miner in episode 197)

Dimitri Kyres is a Level 6 Improv Master. He knows things about improv that haven’t even been invented yet. He can break down improvisational structures and put them back together with his goddamned eyes closed.

No seriously, he’s really very good at being very funny. One need only look to a string of sold out performances of the hit improv cop comedy Precinct at Montreal Fringe that he was a part of. “But I missed that show” I hear your voice in my head complaining, well good news: there are still a lot of ways to see Dimitri being funny every single month over at Montreal Improv (like Friday Night Main Event, Sunday Sunday Improv and he’s got even more exciting projects in the pipeline.

We talk comedy, making people laugh and maybe, just maybe plant the seeds of an upcoming collision of worlds where stand up and improv comedy will collide!

Special thanks to Mr. Christopher Venditto for stepping in as co-host this episode and be sure to check out the Second Edition (Second Season?) of Word Fight, starting back up at Café Cleopatra on January 18th.

Be sure to stay tuned to all the shows Dimitri is a part of over at Montreal Improv and stay even more tuned for some of the other exciting projects this creative cat has in the bag.

As always, a big thank you to the providers of our theme song: Leighland Beckman and Aural Turpitude!

Keith does all sorts of things here on, he works with the other founders on 9to5 (illustrated), co-hosts our two podcasts: The 9to5 Entertainment System and Go Plug Yourself and blogs here as The Perspicacious Geek.