The Montreal podcast that asks comic creator Éloïse Marseille: “What is the best non-fast food burger in Montreal?” – that question asked of course by James ‘Twiggy” McGee back in episode 287.

Before recording this episode Scott (from 9ES!) and I were talking about how strange it was going to be to meet Éloïse Marseille at the back of Grumpy’s to record this podcast. Why? Well, maybe you’ll understand after reading “Naked: The Confessions of a Normal Woman” (available now from Pow Pow Press). The comic reads like the most entertaining personal journal you’ve ever seen. If it wasn’t a published work I would feel like I had somehow invaded someone else’s privacy by reading it.

Of course Éloïse  has written and illustrated this with the purpose of putting it on display but still. Even before shaking her hand I had a tremendous amount of insight into what are normally private details and revelations about her life. That’s not to say the book isn’t fun. It’s extremely funny and entertaining throughout.

It’s also kind of nice to know that all those awkward, embarrassing moments from my teens and early 20s are continuing to play out again and again for a younger generation.

Do yourself a favour and ask your local library or comic shop to get a copy of “Naked: The Confessions of a Normal Woman” in whatever language your most comfortable reading in (it’s been out in French for a while but has just been released in English this week!). That reminds me! Éloïse will be at Librairie Drawn & Quarterly tonight! (November 9th @ 7:00 pm) – but I’m pretty sure that is also a great place to pick her book up even if you don’t make it out tonight.

Credit Where Credit is Due

As always, a big thank you to the providers of our theme song: Leighland Beckman and Aural Turpitude!

Keith does all sorts of things here on, he works with the other founders on 9to5 (illustrated), co-hosts our two podcasts: The 9to5 Entertainment System and Go Plug Yourself and sometimes blogs here as The Perspicacious Geek.