I first heard about Loot Crate a while ago, it seemed like a really good deal for Americans and a so-so deal for us Canadians.

If you don’t know what Loot Crate is, here’s the short version: For a fixed rate the people at Loot Crate get promo stuff based on a theme (in October it was “Fear”) and send you stuff each month. Who doesn’t like to get surprise presents once a month? I decided that I would basically give away anything that I didn’t want to keep at Keithmas so some of my holiday shopping would be taken care of. Basically for us Canadians it comes out 29.95$ CAD (as opposed to 19.37$ USD, which would be 21.95$ CAD, there is also an ongoing promo for 10% off, which meant I was paying around 27$ CAD so basically a 5 dollar difference for us Canucks). I signed up for 3 months.

Seeing as I’m about to get the November crate, now is just as good a time as any to tell you what was in the October crate. Ha! I will tell you how happy each item made me. First up:


This shirt. Oh man, this shirt. A skull made out of kittens. Listen, you either understand why this shirt is amazing or you don’t. With shirts running about 15-20 bucks this crate is already almost paid for.
Happiness Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Loot2This print of Daryl and Zombie Merle by Super Emo Friends by JSalvador. I was only vaguely aware of Super Emo Friends when I got this crate, and wouldn’t have recognized the art right off the bat. However, I’m a big Walking Dead fan so I dug this little print right away. Not going to lie, the only reason I even knew this was from an established artist was from the little magazine they included.
Happiness Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥Loot3Here’s that little magazine in question! It came with blue/red 3D glasses and a pin! Not pictured, the “Toxic Waste” candy that Sarah promptly ate as soon as I opened the crate. She went from “this isn’t so bad” to “holy shit” (complete with face contortions) to “ok it’s not bad again” all in about 30 seconds. I really should’ve videotaped it. This is basically a newsletter and a button. Oh yeah, there was also a SMITE code. Do any of you play SMITE? Hit us up on Facebook if you’re interested. First come, first serve.
Happiness Rating: ♥


How to Survive a Sharknado. This is definitely a joke book that I would say has a really limited group of people that would do more than flip through it and laugh at a few of the entries. That being said it is still really cool. Also, as some readers know I’m running a very goofy D&D game. Not sure how or why but some of these insane things might make an appearance. For the record, a Boaricane is not just a hurricane of wild boars. It’s a hurricane of wild, cybernetic boars. Always be prepared.
Happiness Rating:  ♥ ♥ ♥


Unfortunately, I only got these in November, otherwise I feel like they would’ve been a big hit at one of the Halloween parties I ended up. Either way, these are definitely going to get some use at some point. I’m a big fan of things that are fun but that I would never buy myself.
Happiness Rating: ♥ ♥


This is kinda cool, it’s the latest issue of The Walking Dead comic series. I’ve got a weird history with this comic series. I used to have the first few trades and they all happened to be in my backpack when it got stolen. Since then I’ve moved over to digital comics. I’m only a few issues back so I’ll actually get to read this book pretty soon. It’ll be fun to switch over to a physical copy for the first time in nearly 10 years. Exciting!
Happiness Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


Finally, there’s this pen. I wasn’t even sure it was a pen when I first opened the box, I just thought it was a neat little Dead Rising piece of merch. I was like “what would I do with this?” Then I found out it was a pen and I was like “what would I do with this?”
Happiness Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥
I actually have plans for this pen, but in the meantime here’s the Sledge-Saw being wielded by someone who would fuck you right up with it:


So there you have it, the October Loot crate. I’ve read elsewhere that this (despite the fact that a lot of this stuff is exclusive so might be worth more) crate is worth around $65 USD (so like $74 CAD). I definitely feel like I got my money worth at $27 CAD. I’m excited to get November’s box and will likely do this sort of treatment for that box too. Probably in a more timely manner. November’s theme is BATTLE. Woop woop.

Keith does all sorts of things here on 9to5.cc, he works with the other founders on 9to5 (illustrated), co-hosts our two podcasts: The 9to5 Entertainment System and Go Plug Yourself and blogs here as The Perspicacious Geek