Almost Every Day I Let Myself Down – Perspicacious Geek
Do you ever feel the crushing weight of your own ambitions?
How do you deal with the fact that on many days, you won’t manage to get anything done that you actually want to do?
This entire was website was founded on the principle that working a Monday to Friday 9 to 5 job can be soul sucking. And that’s not just because our jobs happen to be in fields that we’re not passionate about. I’ve spoken to enough people who have literally “made it” in their dream jobs who still feel immensely drained by their work.
I’m not going to get into that whole argument.
The thing I feel like writing about this week is how depressing ambition can be.
I work my job full-time. That means for 40 hours a week I’m working.
I try to write a blog every week, and I’ve been successfully putting out a podcast every week for something like the last 4 years.
I continually try to find ways to make the website better. Working with the other founders on stuff like new banners, homepages, and other stuff.
I also make sure to spend time with my lovely and amazing wife. She’s awesome and puts up with all of this stuff that I do.
In addition to that, here’s a short list of things that I’m continually trying to find time to do:
- Work on a book that I’m writing
- Develop like 2 or 3 new podcasts
- Work out
- Maintain friendships
- Relax?
Oh and sometimes I announce roller derby.
Now I get it, on good days it feels great to have all this stuff going on. It’s great that I have stuff that interests me to pour my time in and I can also maintain a successful career doing whatever it is I do for a job. I have often mentioned in this very blog that I love the fact that I often don’t have time to watch television or play video games.
Instead I’m out interviewing interesting people, writing and just doing *stuff*. Instead of passively just consuming content I’m creating it.
In theory that should be rewarding and energizing.
What happens instead is that every day that I don’t advance some kind of timeline I feel like I’m letting myself down. There’s so much on my plate at any given time that I never get the satisfaction of being “done”.
Congratulations you managed to find time to write up a character draft for a character in my book project, did you manage to work out? No? How about cleaning up the SEO on the website? No? What are you, worthless?
Maybe it’s the rain.
Love you.
I took that photo on a timer while I worked. Is this my working face? No wonder people don’t talk to me at work. I really don’t look that approachable.
Hey there! If anything jumps out at you on this website, please consider checking it out. We talk music, games, beer and more and also host a few webcomics and podcasts, all produced DIY style.
Keith does all sorts of things here on, he works with the other founders on 9to5 (illustrated), co-hosts our two podcasts: The 9to5 Entertainment System and Go Plug Yourself and blogs here as The Perspicacious Geek.